Try making twin roller coasters and add a racing mode to them.ġ4. Also if you can paint your attraction do it definitely it attracts crowds.ġ3.
Make you rides play music but not all the rides as it might be disturbing toġ2. Higher make it under ground or parts of it underground. To make some of your attractions have a better excitement rating on a ride Put benches and trash cans next to food stands and be sure to space them.ġ0. Give your attraction a theme and give it a cool name to go with the theme.ĩ. Put a bathroom after every ride you make or almost every ride you make.Ĩ. Put a bench near a ride that has a high nasea or high intensity rated rides.ħ. More for the entrance fee, But if it sags low in the crowds demolish it and do notĦ. You build a roller coaster that people like then you can automaticly charge $5.00 Everytime you build two rides then charge $5.00 more to enter the park.
Space your food stands away from each other, and never charge over $4.00 forĤ. Always, Always, Always when you borrow debt make sure you pay it backīecause after you pay it in, you earn bundles, and bundles more than you didīefore and even faster than you did before.ģ. Never borrow debt from the bank unless you absolutely need it.Ģ.
To build a 'WINNER' (A Themepark) that is a winner follow these 20 very easyġ.